Quarter story

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The Viertelgescheid was a small German volume and grain measure in the Principality of Hesse . The measure was the fourth part of the Gescheid and corresponded to the measure . The measure could also be divided into eighth notes / half quarter notes. The different sizes of the malters had an impact on the small size. An exception was also made in Limburg . The Malter was divided differently in this region and the quarter Gescheid was exceptionally the 96zigte part of the Malter (12 Simmers with 8 Gescheid each)

  • 1 quarter volume = 0.448 liters (example)
  • 1 Gescheid = 4 quarter notes = between 1.7 and 2 liters

The dimensional chain from Malter was

  • 1 Malter / eighth = 4 Simmer = 8 Meste = 16 sixth = 64 Gescheid = 256 quarter- note = 5784 Parisian cubic inches = 114.74 liters (example)


  • Georg Kaspar Chelius , Johann Friedrich Hauschild, Heinrich Christian Schumacher: Measure and weight book . Verlag Jägersche Buch-, Papier- und Landkartenhandlung, Frankfurt am Main 1830, pp. 12, 13, 295.