Four-toothed wolverine snail

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Four-toothed wolverine snail
Four-toothed wolverine snail (Jaminia quadridens)

Four-toothed wolverine snail ( Jaminia quadridens )

Superfamily : Enoidea
Family : Wolverine snails (Enidae)
Subfamily : Eninae
Tribe : Enini
Genre : Jaminia
Type : Four-toothed wolverine snail
Scientific name
Jaminia quadridens
( OV Müller , 1774)

The four-toothed wolverine snail ( Jaminia quadridens ), also referred to by some authors as the four-toothed tower snail , is a type of snail belonging to the wolverine family (Enidae) from the subordination of land snails (Stylommatophora).


Jaminia quadridens 01.JPG

The left-wound, cylindrical-conical housing is 7 to 12 mm high (rarely up to 15 mm) and 3.5 to 4 mm wide. The apex is rounded to a truncated cone. It has seven to nine (up to ten) windings with moderately arched windings in the initial part of the case and very slightly arched windings in the lower part. Accordingly, the seams of the upper turns are moderately deep, and very shallow in the lower part. The last three to four turns are roughly the same diameter. The embryonic convolutions are smooth, the postembryonic convolutions are provided with fine, weak streaking. The first turns are edged at the base. The mouth is somewhat distorted U-shaped, the mouth rim is wide, but moderately strongly curved outwards and thickened with a yellowish-white lip that is translucent onto the outer wall. The mouth is reinforced with four teeth, two columellar teeth, a parietal and a palatal tooth. The shell of the case is quite firm and opaque. It is pale brown in color or pale horn-colored, the surface is not very shiny. The sculpture consists of only weak strips of growth.

In the sexual apparatus, the spermatic duct (vas deferens) separates early from the egg duct (sperm duct). It is thin, slightly folded and comparatively short. It opens apically into the very long epiphallus . A short conical blind sack (flagellum) is formed at the transition. The epiphallus is relatively thin, only swollen once over a short stretch in the lower half. The actual penis is very short, but the penile appendix is ​​very long, with a long and thick lower part, a short part with less thickness, a very thin middle part and a club-shaped, thickened end part. In the female genital tract, the free fallopian tube is very long and the vagina is very short. The stem of the spermathec is quite short, the small bladder comes to rest at the level of the prostate. A long diverticulum branches off just before the bladder.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The distribution area of ​​the species extends from Spain across southern and eastern France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, western and southern Germany, Italy, Romania and the western Balkan peninsula to northern Greece.

The four-toothed wolverine snail prefers to live in warm, dry, rocky and stony locations with mostly little vegetation or on poor grass with many stones on a chalky subsoil. In the Alps it rises to 2400 m above sea level. During longer periods of drought, it hides in crevices in the rock and in loose substrate under larger stones, and falls into drought.


The taxon was set up in 1774 by Otto Friedrich Müller as Helix quadridens . It is de facto the type species of the genus Jaminia because the formal type species Jaminia heterostropha Risso, 1826, is a younger synonym of Jaminia quadridens .


The species is considered critically endangered in Austria and Germany. In the Alps it is primarily threatened by habitat destruction, although the species z. B. extensive grazing of dry grassland by sheep and goats tolerated. In Switzerland the species is classified as endangered.

supporting documents


  • Rosina Fechter and Gerhard Falkner: molluscs. 287 pp., Mosaik-Verlag, Munich 1990 (Steinbach's Nature Guide 10), ISBN 3-570-03414-3 (p. 152)
  • Alexandru V. Grossu: Gastropoda Romaniae 2 Subclasa Pulmonata I Ordo Basommatophora II Ordo Stylommatophora Suprafamiliile: Succinacea, Cochlicopacea, Pupillacea. 443 S., Bucharest 1987 (pp. 344-346).
  • Michael P. Kerney, Robert AD Cameron & Jürgen H. Jungbluth: The land snails of Northern and Central Europe. 384 pp., Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-490-17918-8 (p. 134)
  • Francisco W. Welter-Schultes: European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification = identification book for European land and freshwater mollusks. A1-A3 S., 679 S., Q1-Q78 S., Planet Poster Ed., Göttingen 2012, ISBN 3-933922-75-5 , ISBN 978-3-933922-75-5 (in the following abbreviated Welter Schultes, Identification book and page number)
  • Vollrath Wiese: Germany's land snails. 352 S., Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2014 ISBN 978-3-494-01551-4 (in the following abbreviated meadow, land snails and page number)

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Friedrich Müller: Vermivm terrestrium et fluviatilium, seu animalium infusoriorum, helminthicorum, et testaceorum, non marinorum, succincta historia. Volume alterum. SI-XXXVI, 1-214, Heineck & Faber, Copenhagen & Leipzig, 1774, online at (p. 107)
  2. Wiese, Landschnecken, p. 114.
  3. a b Welter Schultes, Identification Book, p. 184


Web links

Commons : Four-toothed wolverine  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files