Vincent symptom

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The Vincent symptom or Vincent syndrome (named after the Algerian doctor B. Vincent) is a sensitivity disorder ( hypesthesia or paresthesia up to complete anesthesia ) in the supply area of ​​the inferior alveolar nerve . It shows in the numbness of the right or left half of the lower lip . The symptom may after osteomyelitis of the mandible, after a mandibular fracture, which is a rupture of the inferior alveolar nerve in the mandibular canal will occur. The paresis of the mental nerve indicates that a traumatic, chemical, toxic or infectious process has altered the nerve in the course of the inferior alveolar nerve. The failures can also occur in the case of lower jaw tumors . Iatrogenic can Vincent symptom after dental surgical procedures arise as to endodontic treatments when compressed by an overfilling of the root canal filling material in the mandibular canal of the nerve.

Individual evidence

  1. J. Düker: X-ray diagnostics with the panorama layer image . Georg Thieme, 2000, ISBN 978-3-13-155572-4 , p. 405 ( ).
  2. R. Gutwald, N.-C. Gellrich, R. Schmelzeisen: Introduction to dental surgery and implantology: for studies and work; with 71 tables . Deutscher Ärzteverlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-7691-3418-6 , p. 258 ( ).
  3. J. Gabka, H. Harnisch, H. Witt: X-ray atlas of the maxillary and facial skull area: technology and evaluation of normal and pathological x-ray images with special consideration of dentistry and clinical facial and maxillofacial surgery . Book and magazine publisher “Die Quintessenz”, 1977 ( ).