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Vinidarius was the author of a small collection of cooking recipes known as Apici Excerpta ("Extracts from Apicius"). The title refers to the famous, a Roman gourmet named Apicius ascribed to the oldest Roman cookbook De re coquinaria (“On the art of cooking”). But it is not an epitome of this work and the overlaps in the recipes are minimal.

Nothing more is known about the author, who wrote in the 5th century. Maybe he was Goth .

The text has come down to us in an 8th century Paris manuscript called Codex Salmasianus and is usually published as an appendix in the editions of De re coquinaria .

Text output

  • Christopher Grocock, Sally Grainger (Eds.): Apicius: A critical edition with an introduction and English translation . Prospect Books, Blackawton 2006, ISBN 1-903018-13-7 , pp. 309-325.


  1. Apicii decem libri qui dicuntur De re coquinaria et Excerpta a Vinidario conscripta.
  2. ^ Joseph Dommers Vehling , Cookery and dining in imperial Rome , 1936 and reprints, pp. 20-21 and 254 ( online ).