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Viridomarus (also Vertomarus or Britomartus ; † . 222 BC. In the battle of clastidium ) was a military leader Celtic Insubres the war against the Romans in Northern Italy. He fell in 222 BC At the battle of Clastidium. The Roman consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus received the honor of spolia opima for personally killing the enemy leader .



  1. ^ Titus Livius , epitoma 20: M. Claudius Marcellus cos. occiso Gallorum Insubrium duce, Vertomaro, opima spolia rettulit. Properz 4, 10, 39-41: Claudius a Rheno traiectos arcuit hostis, Belgica cum vasti parma relata ducis Virdomari ; Plutarch , Marcellus 6-8 ( English translation ).