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The Insubrians (Latin Insubri ) were a tribe of the Celts who settled north of the Po in the early Iron Age , in the area called Gallia Cisalpina by the Romans . The tribal area was bounded by the Ticino in the west and the Serio in the east. Celtic neighboring tribes were the Taurinians in the west , the Boier and Lingons in the east, the Lepontier in the north , while the Ligurians lived in the south and were pushed back towards the coast by the Celts. According to Livy , the Insubrians were a district of the Haedu . The main town of the tribe was Mediolanum , today's Milan .

Immigration took place around 400 BC. When the area was ruled by the Etruscans . The Po Valley came under Roman rule during the Celtic War in Northern Italy in 223/222 BC. BC, but the Roman supremacy was shaken when the Carthaginians under Hannibal in 218 BC. BC crossed the area. After the victory in the Punic Wars, however, the Romans succeeded in 194 BC. To renew their rule in Cisalpine Gaul. The Insubrians received 49 BC BC Roman citizenship; since 42 BC Their area belonged to Italy.


  • Maria Teresa Grassi, Mario Torelli: La romanizzazione degli Insubri. Celti e Romani in Transpadana attraverso la documentazione storica ed archeologica (= Collana di studi di archeologia lombarda. Volume 1). Edizioni ET, Milan 1995, ISBN 88-867-5200-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Livy, Ab urbe condita libri CXLII . 5, 34, 9.