Virtual Library of South Asia

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Savifa , the Virtual Library of South Asia , was an information portal for teaching and research on the South Asia region . Text and image sources as well as scientifically relevant information on India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Nepal , Sri Lanka , Maldives and Bhutan were made accessible under one surface . In July 2015, Savifa merged with the specialist portal CrossAsia .


Savifa was operated from 2005 to 2010 as a joint project of the South Asia Institute (SAI) and the Heidelberg University Library and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). During the course of the project, the various information resources were virtually merged under a search interface, with SavifaDok a publication platform for South Asian studies and Indology was also set up according to the principles of open access, a research and project database served to network the scientists and the Masala newsletter provided regular information about new developments at Savifa. The most important goal after the end of the funding phase was to stabilize the project so that the services and offers could be maintained or expanded.

In July 2015, the merging of the previously separate offers Savifa - Virtual Specialized Library South Asia and CrossAsia - Virtual Specialized Library East and Southeast Asia was realized. The course has thus been set for the cooperative further development of a joint Asian studies specialist portal, and the information offers previously accessible via Savifa have been integrated into the CrossAsia portal set up by the Berlin State Library . The name Savifa was given up and all Savifa modules to be integrated were adapted to the CrossAsia layout in order to be able to present a graphically and functionally uniform offer.

Offers to South Asia in CrossAsia

  • CrossAsia E-Publishing : CrossAsia is committed to the concept of Open Access and supports unrestricted and free access to scientific information with its three publication platforms CrossAsia Repository , CrossAsia Journals and CrossAsia E-Books .
  • Topic portals : u. a. an Odisha bibliography with references to research literature on the history, culture, religion and politics of the Indian state of Odisha / Orissa; a Naval Kishore Press bibliography as a central instrument for documenting printed works by the publishing house founded in Lucknow in 1858
  • Extensive range of digitized sources
  • E-Toc-Alert service : current journal content of scientific core journals
  • CrossAsia Search : Meta search across various library catalogs and databases

Information and publications

  • Geyer, Robby; Merkel, Nicole: Savifa - The Virtual Library of South Asia (2007) ( online )
  • Merkel, Nicole: India and South Asia in Germany - Lecture at the 6th Scientific Symposium Frankfurt a. M. (2006) ( online )
  • Merkel-Hilf, Nicole: From SSG South Asia to FID Asia? - Savifa merges with CrossAsia (2015) ( online )

Web links