Vlasina lake

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Lake Vlasina
Власинско језеро / Vlasinsko jezero
Vlasina lake early in the morning
Vlasina lake early in the morning
Location: SerbiaSerbia Serbia
Tributaries: Vlasina
Drain: VlasinaSouth MoravaMoravaDanube
Vlasina Lake (Serbia)
Vlasina lake
Coordinates 42 ° 42 '27 "  N , 22 ° 20' 32"  E Coordinates: 42 ° 42 '27 "  N , 22 ° 20' 32"  E
Data on the structure
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 16 km²
Vlasina Lake Sat.png

The vlasina lake ( Serbian Власинско језеро Vlasinsko jezero ) is a man-made lake in the course of the river Vlasina in Southeast Serbian Highlands - 320 km south of Belgrade . The lake is located at an altitude of 1210  m above sea ​​level and is surrounded by mountains up to 1875  m high. The lake covers an area of ​​16 km² and the small town of Vlasina Okruglica is located on its south bank . The special thing about this lake is that it has floating islands .

Web links

Commons : Vlasina Lake  - collection of images, videos and audio files