People's refrigerator

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The development and production of the People's refrigerator was of Adolf Hitler in 1940 the German Labor Front (DAF) under the direction of Robert Ley betrayed.

Refrigerators were still a luxury item in the 1930s. In 1933 only 0.1% of all households had a refrigerator, in 1939 it was around 1%. The official idea was to equip the planned, standardized people's apartment for the post-war period with standardized devices. Ultimately, as in the case of the Volkswagen (previously the KdF-Wagen , which DAF was also responsible for manufacturing) or the Volksempfänger and the Volksgasmask , it was about the propaganda effect of such a device, which at the time was one of the most modern achievements in building technology. The device was developed up to the production of a prototype. The series production failed, like other "Volks" products, because the politically pursued goals of self-sufficiency, armament and expansion on the one hand and massive state consumption promotion on the other hand could not be realized at the same time.


  • Wolfgang König : Volkswagen, people's receiver, people's community. Folk products in the Third Reich: The failure of a National Socialist consumer society. Schöningh, Paderborn 2004, pp. 136-150.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tilman Harlander : Between home and living machine. Housing construction and housing policy in the time of National Socialism . 1st edition. Birkhäuser, 1995, ISBN 3-7643-5219-1 , p. 207 .