Don Bosco volunteers

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The secular institute of the Volontarie Don Bosco ( order abbreviation VDB ; Italian Volontarie di Don Bosco ) founded in 1917 goes back to Giovanni 'Don' Bosco (1815–1888).

The 1308 members of Don Bosco's voluntary service (as of 2002) are women who live a life in the spirit of Don Bosco in obedience, poverty and celibacy in the middle of the world. They are active on all five continents and belong to the Don Bosco family .


From 1907 to 1917 Don Rinaldi was director of the oratorio of the Don Bosco Sisters in Valdocco . He made special efforts to the spiritual and human formation of the girls who regularly attended the oratorio. Three of them, namely Luigina Carpanera , Maria Verzotti and Francesca Riccardi , expressed the desire to dedicate their whole life to God, but to remain "in the world". On May 20, 1917, Don Rinaldi suggested that they should band together for this purpose. This resulted in the "Volontarie Don Bosco", which was finally named "Secular Institute of Papal Law" on August 5, 1978 by Pope Paul VI. recognized.

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