From Prince Johannes

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From Prince Johannes is a fragment of a fairy tale . In the Grimm Brothers ' Children's and Household Tales, it was only in the first edition of 1812, together with three others under the heading Fragments, at position 85 (KHM 85c) and comes from Karl Graß ' magazine Erheiterungen from 1812.

Only the following key points are given:

From his wandering in sinews and melancholy, from his flight with the apparition, from the red castle, from the many heart-rending trials until he was granted the only ( sic !) Sight of the beautiful sun princess.


The source mentions Grimm's note: Karl Graß claims to have heard it as a child (in Livonia ) from his German nurse and made a poem out of it.

Web links

Wikisource: Vom Prinz Johannes  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Jörg Uther: Handbook on the children's and house tales of the Brothers Grimm. de Gruyter, Berlin 2008. p. 473, ISBN 978-3-11-019441-8 .