From the street to the studio

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Von der Straße ins Studio ( VDSIS ) is a German rap project for children and young people that conveys positive values ​​and approaches through musical engagement with the German language. The name From the street to the studio makes it clear that anyone can come straight into the studio from the street and sing.


VDSIS was founded in 2010 by Timm Fütterer as part of the social association SMOG eV ( school without violence ).

The core area here is the promotion of young musicians. The young people should be given opportunities to process emotions and communicate in a safe environment. Since then, more than 7,000 children and young people have been involved in video shoots, workshops, performances and studio recordings. VDSIS also support children in the areas of drama and dance.

The focus of the project work is on the Germany-wide VDSIS workshops, which are offered for schools and youth facilities. In the workshops, VDSIS produce songs and videos with the participating children and young people.

In 2011 the rappers Haftbefehl and Eko Fresh got involved in the project for the participating young people. Eko Fresh then became the project's patron. In the following year he got involved with VDSIS with more videos and his own rap musical.

On February 26, 2018, VDSIS released a German-language short film Still und Stumm . The production is in German, but in no way refers to the German-speaking area.


As early as the 1960s, the youth culture in the United States began to make attempts to resolve impending conflicts without violence. The young people verbally abused each other with swear words that were so exaggerated that they weakened themselves by this fact. Whoever could win most of the bystanders as sympathizers on his side won the conflict non-violently. See " Your Mother Joke ".

Individual evidence

  1. "VDSIS": From the street to the studio - Web. In: Retrieved October 26, 2018 .
  2. ↑ Go to school without violence. In: Retrieved May 15, 2014 .
  3. VDSIS workshop participating children from all over Germany. In: Retrieved May 15, 2018 .
  4. - Eko Fresh & arrest warrant: VdSiS videos. In: Retrieved January 6, 2015 .
  5. Eko Fresh takes part in the musical "Through my eyes". In: Retrieved January 6, 2015 .
  6. Unicef ​​Hundreds of millions of children worldwide suffer from violence. In: mirror online. Retrieved November 7, 2017 .