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An example of a manga-like , pre-arephile work of art: Color version of "Dealing with Bullies", created by Karbo and gamera1985.

Vorarephilia ( Latin vorare , devour ',' swallow 'and -philia ), also Vore for short , more rarely phagophilia ( old Greek φαγεῖν phageín , eat'), or voraphilia or pre- aphilia , is a sexual preference in connection with the Thoughts of being devoured, devouring someone, or watching this process result in sexual arousal .


For sexual arousal, pre-arephile sexual partners can, for example, imagine a human, an animal, or a monster that is devoured whole. This can also be about your partner or yourself. Fantasies - like being torn into pieces and / or chewed and swallowed before being devoured - can also occur. The idea of ​​what happens to your body or the intertwined parts of your digestive tract afterwards can also contribute to sexual arousal. The type and course of the fantasies can vary greatly from person to person.


If the pre-arephilia is so pronounced that it has a disease value - for example, if sexual arousal is not or hardly possible without corresponding fantasies ( paraphilia ) - it can be treated with psychotherapy . Talk therapy or hypnosis can be used here. As individual as pre-arephilia can appear differently, the corresponding therapeutic measures are also individual. However, data in the sense of evidence-based medicine are still lacking.

See also


  • Jane R. Howard: Helping people with sexual problems . IP Communications, Melbourne 2010, ISBN 978-0-9804586-7-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. Anders Ågmo: Functional and Dysfunctional Sexual Behavior . A Synthesis of Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology . London / Burlington / San Diego 2007, ISBN 978-0-12-370590-7 , pp. 454 .