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VoxelSpace is a graphics engine based on voxels which was developed by NovaLogic for the first-person shooter series Delta Force and for the helicopter flight simulation Comanche .


The engine uses a technique that “tilts” the landscape to be represented into a plane and displays it as a relief . Then a height value is calculated for each point on the map along a grid and displayed as a voxel in the appropriate position and in the correct color. With this method it is possible to represent realistic earth surfaces. The method is relatively fast, as it does without the clipping required with polygonal algorithms and without a Z-buffer . This was a prerequisite for being able to use it on PCs that were common at the time in 1992 .

While objects that are far away can be displayed very realistically, objects that are close to the viewer appear more pixelated. Furthermore, with this technology it is not possible to integrate objects such as houses or trees into the landscape; instead, these have to be calculated polygonally into the image.

For the second part of Comanche , NovaLogic expanded the existing engine with clouds of smoke and reflective water surfaces.

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