
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wülker is the family name of the following people:

  • Emmy Meixner-Wülker (1927–2008), German founder and chairwoman of the self-help association Relatives to Suicide
  • Friedrich Ernst Wülker (1783–1856) silverware manufacturer and Senator of the Free City of Frankfurt
  • Gabriele Wülker (1911–2001), German social scientist and politician
  • Gerhard Wülker (1885–1930), German zoologist
  • Ludwig Wülker (1881–1953), also: Ludwig Philipp Wülker , German educator, school director, history teacher and non-fiction author
  • Nils Wülker (* 1977), jazz trumpeter
  • Richard Wülker (1845–1910), German English studies professor at the University of Leipzig

see also: