WR Berkley Corporation

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WR Berkley Corporation
legal form Corporation
ISIN US0844231029
founding 1967
Seat Greenwich , Connecticut , United States
management William Robert Berkley (Chairman and CEO )
Number of employees 7,247 (2013)
sales 6.4 billion US dollars (2013)
Branch Insurance
Website www.wrberkley.com

The WR Berkley Corporation is an American insurance companies in the Fortune 500 .

After graduating from New York University (BS 1966), William R. Berkley was accepted into the MBA program at Harvard University (graduated in 1968). While still a student, he started an investment firm with $ 2,500 in start-up capital. In 1972 he took over the Houston General insurer.

WR Berkley Insurance Germany is a branch of the British WR Berkley Insurance (Europe) Limited.

The Stern School of Business donated a professorship to Berkley in 2002; The owner is the Nobel Prize winner Thomas J. Sargent .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Our People
  2. a b 2013 Annual Report , accessed March 2, 2015
  3. ^ Andrew G. Simpson: WR Berkley: Still Smart, Successful and Smiling After 40 Years of Decisions - March 4, 2008
  4. http://www.wrblondon.com/germany/
  5. http://www.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/bio/thomas-sargent