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WWH OBD stands for W orld W ide H armonized O n B oard- D iagnostic and is a designation for an international standard for the global harmonization of vehicle diagnosis , for monitoring the emission output of passenger cars and commercial vehicles .

The creation of the WWH-OBD was initiated by the United Nations and as a Global Technical Regulation ( Global Technical Regulation - in short GTR). No. 5 was adopted. The main focus here is the emission-relevant vehicle diagnosis for commercial vehicles, which is to be extended to the passenger car area at a later date.

The aim of WWH-OBD is to replace the regional standards for vehicle diagnosis for emission monitoring in favor of global on-board diagnosis (OBD for short) standards. Here, however, the emission limit values ​​for permitted pollutant emissions are not to be standardized, but primarily the functioning of the emissions control and the communication interface of the vehicles. The stipulations of the permissible emission limit values ​​for vehicles remain (for the time being) the task of the regional legislators (for more information, see the article on emissions standards ).

For the creation of the WWH-OBD standard, the United Nations commissioned ISO , which is currently in the process of describing the WWH-OBD standard. Existing ISO standards are used for vehicle diagnosis (e.g. ISO 15031 ) or supplemented, such as B. ISO 14229 or ISO 15765 . For the implementation of the WWH-OBD requirements, the ISO 27145 standard was newly created.

Compared to the vehicle diagnostic standards Unified Diagnostic Services and KWP2000 , only minor changes have been implemented at the protocol level, including: a. several error classes. New trucks are equipped with WWH-EOBD.

See also

Web links


  • Werner Zimmermann and Ralf Schmidgall: Bus systems in vehicle technology - protocols, standards and software architecture . Vieweg + Teubner, 4th edition, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8348-0907-0

Individual evidence

  1. Global Technical Regulation No. 5