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Wadjetrenput was a high ancient Egyptian civil servant who served under the reigning Queen Hatshepsut . His most important title was upper asset manager , with which he administered the royal domains. He is only known from a few sources, so that his exact classification in the reign of Hatshepsut is uncertain. His grave has not yet been identified. He finds him on a quarry inscription on the Gebel Hammam (north of Aswan ) next to Hatshepsut and King Thutmose III. Mention. Furthermore, Wadjetrenput is mentioned in a letter and appears on various ostraca .


  • JJ Shirley: The Power of the Elite: The Officials of Hatshepsut's Regency and Coregency. In: José M. Galán, Betsy M. Bryan, Peter F. Dorman (Eds.): Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut. Occasional Proceedings of the Theban Workshop (= Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization. (SAOC), number 69). The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago , Chicago 2014, ISBN 978-1-61491-024-4 , pp. 225–226 ( PDF file; 21.7 MB ; retrieved from The Oriental Institute ).