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Walanni was a Hittite Great Queen ( Tawananna ) in the late 15th century BC. Chr.

It is attested by several lists of sacrifices: On a chronologically sorted list for the 5th day of the nunatarrijašḫa festival, on which the reigning Great Queen made sacrifices to the respective sun goddesses of Arinna of her deceased predecessors, Walanni is named first, then Nikkalmati , Ašmunikal and theirs three successors. Two lists of victims ( KUB 11, 8 and KUB 11, 10) for deceased members of the royal family, probably belonging to a ritual , also name their names, along with Kantuzzili , in which - which is not entirely undisputed - the same Kantuzzili is assumed, the Muwattalli I. had murdered. Through the discovery of a seal that Tudḫaliya I names as the son of Kantuzzili, the assumption that Walammi was Kantuzzili's wife and thus possibly the mother of Tudḫalijas I was further reinforced.
