Waldschänke (Hohenwarthe)

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Mortar path in the Waldschänke district
Waldschänke restaurant, 2017

Waldschänke is a district of the village of Hohenwarthe in the municipality of Möser in Saxony-Anhalt .


It is located north of Hohenwarte, on the eastern bank of the Elbe . The Elbe-Havel Canal runs immediately south of the Waldschänke district, while the Magdeburg canal bridge spanning the Elbe is to the southwest . The Elbe Cycle Path runs along the banks of the Elbe . The district is characterized by smaller residential and weekend houses in loose development. In the western part, on the high bank towards the Elbe, is the Waldschänke restaurant .


Around 1900, the Hohenwarthe shipyard was built by Franz König in the area of ​​today's district . Up to a hundred people were employed at the shipyard. On the initiative of König's wife, a building was built to supply and accommodate shipyard workers, from which the Waldschänke restaurant, located high above the Elbe, emerged, which was retained even after the shipyard was closed and from which the name of the district goes back.

The canal bridge over the Elbe was built in 1934 to the south and south-west of the Waldschänke. However, due to the Second World War , work was stopped in 1942. Some monumental-looking elements of the planned complex remained. In 1998 the work was resumed and the old building remains demolished. The bridge was completed in 2003.

The original Waldschänke building was replaced by a new building erected in 2001. The foundation stone for the new building was laid on July 31, 2001.

Individual evidence

  1. History at www.waldschaenke-hohenwarthe.de  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.waldschaenke-hohenwarthe.de  
  2. July 31, 2001 - laying of the foundation stone on www.waldschaenke-hohenwarthe.de  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.waldschaenke-hohenwarthe.de  

Coordinates: 52 ° 14 '  N , 11 ° 42'  E