Walter von Baeyer Society for Ethics in Psychiatry

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The Walter von Baeyer Society for Ethics in Psychiatry ( GEP ) is a German association. It is dedicated to the processing of historical and contemporary cases in which state bodies used unnecessary psychiatric treatment or a false psychiatric diagnosis as a means of political repression.

The association was founded in 1977 by Walter von Baeyer and Friedrich Weinberger as the "German Association against Political Abuse of Psychiatry" (DVpMP). The founding impetus was case reports from the Soviet Union , according to which opposition members were deliberately subjected to non-indicated psychiatric compulsory treatment. It has had its current name since 1999. Today the GEP discusses current cases in symposia and circulars as well as through public positioning in the conservative to right-wing conservative press.

In autumn 2003 the “International Community of Freud Critics” joined the association. In 2015 the "Interest Group for Damaged Justice" joined the GEP.

The chairman of the association is Friedrich Weinberger, his deputy Klemens Dieckhöfer , another board member is Dietmar Eckstein . Dietrich Koch is the secretary . Weinberger received the Federal Cross of Merit in 2006 for his commitment. Member further Reinhard Gnauck , former chairman of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR). The association has about 40 members.

Political positions and criticism

The GEP criticizes gender mainstreaming and liberal positions on homosexuality and sex education as a political measure in the contemporary system in Germany. The admissibility of certain psychiatric diagnoses is also questioned.

In 2012, the GEP and other victims' associations complained about Joachim Gauck's nomination for the office of Federal President.

The GEP received media attention in the course of the Mollath affair in 2012. In this case, the club boss Friedrich Weinberger had prepared a counter-opinion in favor of Gustl Mollath. In addition, the GEP's association account received donations in favor of Mollath, to which Mollath's support group (UK) had called. This trust-guarded donation money, financially checked, went to Mollath in full. Unless used in his order to settle outstanding obligations, GEP paid Mollath in full. The UK later gave the account of another club, which resulted in a number of ambiguities, but with which the GEP has nothing to do.

In 2015, the JEP criticized the French judiciary's request to prepare a psychiatric report on Marine Le Pen after she had made controversial statements about Islamist terrorist attacks. In this context, the GEP also warned against making similar demands on the AfD . The GEP also expresses sympathy for the AfD in other contexts.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Introduction , accessed on January 24, 2019
  2. In the deepest shadow of the past - ZEIT ONLINE , accessed on January 24, 2019
  3. ↑ Plain text in the justice drama Mollath - Garmisch-Partenkirchen , accessed on January 24, 2019
  4. Archive - Junge Freiheit: Ulbricht critics were declared crazy , accessed on January 24, 2019
  5. Victims of justice: New partner: , accessed on January 24, 2019
  6. a b GEP press release (PDF, 10 kB)
  7. The agenda behind the gender mainstream - Dr. Friedrich Weinberger - NuoViso.TV , accessed on January 24, 2019
  8. How does Dr. Weinberger, Chairman of the Walter von Baeyer Society for Ethics in Psychiatry e. V. the "Kuwalewsky case" ?? , accessed January 24, 2019
  9. June 17, 1953 - first popular uprising in the GDR , accessed on January 24, 2019
  10. Amigo-Filz, the Mollath case and “Wahn und Willkür” in Bavaria , accessed on January 24, 2019
  11. GEP | Walter von Baeyer Society for Ethics in Psychiatry. Accessed on May 6, 2020 (German).
  12. Nuremberg: Mollath wants to report former supporters for fraud - Nachrichten Bayern - Augsburger Allgemeine , accessed on January 24, 2019
  13. a b In France, the next stage of left-wing totalitarian terror has already been ignited: psychiatric terrorism - Jürgen Fritz Blog , accessed on January 24, 2019
  14. GEP: Walter von Baeyer Society for Ethics in Psychiatry e. V. , accessed January 25, 2019