Walter Böning

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Walter Adolf Hermann Böning (born January 14, 1894 in Oldenburg ; † February 7, 1981 in Arolsen ) was an officer in the air force in the First World War . He scored seventeen kills (sixteen planes, one balloon).


Before the outbreak of the First World War , Böning joined the 19th Infantry Regiment “King Viktor Emanuel III. von Italy ”of the Bavarian Army . On October 25, 1915, he was promoted to lieutenant in the reserve . On February 10, 1916, he began pilot training. After completing his training, he was transferred to Bavarian Field Aviation Department 6 on May 25, 1916. In November 1916 he was transferred to Fighter Squadron 19. There he scored six aerial victories. On October 5, 1917, he was given the command of the Bavarian Fighter Squadron 76. He scored a further eleven aerial victories.

On May 31, 1918, he was hit in the left lower leg during a dogfight. Despite high blood loss, he reached his home airfield and was able to land there without breaking. Due to the serious injury, he was treated in various hospitals until the end of the war.


Individual evidence

  1. Birth register of StA Oldenburg-Stadt, No. 27/1894
  2. Death register StA Arolsen, No. 36/1981