Walter Farber

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Walter Farber (* 1947 ) is a German ancient orientalist .


He studied from 1966 to 1968 at the University of Tübingen (Assyriology, Archeology, Egyptology), from 1968 to 1969 at the University of Munich (Assyriology, Hittitology) and from 1969 to 1973 in Tübingen (Assyriology, Egytology, Semitic and Indo-European Linguistics). After receiving his doctorate in 1973 as Dr. phil. in Assyriology in Tübingen and habilitation in 1979 with the venia legendi in Assyriology in Munich , he has been teaching as Professor of Assyriology at the University of Chicago since 1980 .

His main research interests are Akkadian language, Akkadian literature, Mesopotamian religion, and magic and medicine.

Fonts (selection)

  • Summoning rituals for Ištar and Dumuzi. Atti Ištar ša ḫarmaša Dumuzi . Wiesbaden 1977, ISBN 3-515-02604-5 .
  • Religious texts. Rituals and incantations I . Gütersloh 1987, ISBN 3-579-00067-5 .
  • Sleep child sleep! Mesopotamian baby incantations and rituals . Winona Lake 1989, ISBN 0-931464-44-7 .
  • Lamaštu. An edition of the canonical series of Lamas̆tu incantations and rituals and related texts from the second and first millennia BC Winona Lake 2014, ISBN 1-57506-258-5 .

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