Walther von Gemmingen

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Walther von Gemmingen (* around 1440; † 1501 ) was abbot of Selz Abbey from 1479 .


Walther was a younger son of Eberhard the Tauben († 1479) and Barbara von Neipperg . When his older brothers Hans (1431–1487) and Eberhard († 1501) married around 1455 and 1457, respectively, his brother Reinhard († 1483) was already in a spiritual position. At the wedding of the older brothers, the father agreed that the rest of them Sons would enter the clergy. The paternal inheritance should go to the sons Hans and Eberhard to secure their families.

Walther became a convent brother in the Murrhardt monastery and then in Selz, where he became abbot in 1479. Even after the conversion to the collegiate monastery in 1481, Walther von Gemmingen continued to head the institution, but then died in September 1501.
