Wanda Semrad

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Wanda Semrad (* in Poland ; † January 15, 1987 ) is an Austrian Righteous Among the Nations .


In 1941 her husband Ludwig Semrad , who also wears this award, was entrusted with the management of a Polish cigarette factory that had been confiscated by Jews. In the years that followed, the Semrad couple took on numerous Jewish unskilled workers in the company to save them from deportation. In 1942, regardless of her own life, she saved the wife and three children of the Jewish director from arrest and hid them until they were liberated.

On January 11, 1979, Wanda and Ludwig Semrad were named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lettertothestars.at: Wanda Semrad (accessed on May 17, 2013)
  2. Dāniyyêl Frenqel, Jacob Borut: Encyclopedia of the Righteous Among the Nations: German and Austrians, Volume 1 , Wallenstein Verlag 2005, ISBN 3-89244-900-7 , p 360 ( PDF )
  3. Righteous Among the Nations Honored by Yad Vashem, 2013, AUSTRIA, PDF ( Memento from September 29, 2006 in the Internet Archive )