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When Wardialing (English: was dialing ) is using a modem every phone call in a region or a particular number range, can then penetrate into the one in the hope of meeting on a computer.

The name of this technology refers to the film WarGames from 1983. In it, the protagonist programs his computer to call every connection in Sunnyvale ( California ) in the hope of encountering a computer from a computer game manufacturer located there for as yet unreleased Download versions of a game. Before the film was released, the method was called hammer dialing or demon dialing ; after a software manufacturer finally brought the War Games Autodialer software for Commodore computers onto the market in 1985, the term based on the film title was widespread in the scene.

Since most telephone connections were not connected to a computer but to a normal telephone, wardialing caused annoyance to the subscribers and was banned in many countries. Blueboxing was often used to avoid the high costs involved .

Because computers with acoustic modems are now rarely connected to normal telephone lines, the process has lost its importance.

A more recent phenomenon is wardriving , the search for (open) WLANs with a vehicle.

Comparable to the Wardialing port scans the TCP / IP protocol that each TCP - Port each IP address query to find out which services are available. In contrast to wardialing, however, port scans do not represent a nuisance for people.


  1. ^ MegaSoft Limited . In: Compute! 'S Gazette , January 1985, p. 167. Retrieved July 6, 2014. 
  2. Patrick S. Ryan: Wargames, Wardialing, Wardriving, and the Emerging Market for Hacker Ethics , in: Virginia Journal of Law & Technology, Vol. 9, No. 7, summer 2004