Rolling of goods

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In the commercial environment, rolling over goods means bringing products with an earlier best-before date (BBD) to the front of fresher products.

Example: “ The best-before date for a yogurt expires on November 18th. Another yogurt of the same brand will expire on November 11th. So the latter yogurt is preferred over the first. "

The term rolling of goods plays an important role , especially in supermarkets and discount stores, and is particularly important when placing goods and nesting , removing empty and grouping half-empty containers.

The movement of goods in the fruit and vegetable departments is particularly important, as these goods can spoil very quickly and do not always have a best-before date. Goods that are damaged or spoiled are regularly cleared out.

The movement of goods for cold-stored products such as milk and dairy products, fresh meat or poultry meat is also important. Here the rolling happens directly when clearing.

Frozen food and canned goods, on the other hand, are rarely rolled.