Wassili Filippowitsch Margelow

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Wassili Margelow

Vasily Margelov ( Russian Василий Филиппович Маргелов * December 27, 1908 . Jul / 9. January  1909 greg. In Yekaterinoslav ; † 4. March 1990 in Moscow ) was an army general of the Soviet airborne troops .


Margelow took part in World War II and was wounded several times. After the war he served in the 76th Airborne Division. Then he devoted himself until he was 70 years old to building airborne troops as an independent weapon and equipping them with heavy technology. His son Major Alexander Margelow sat in the BMD-1 airborne tank, which was parachuted with crew members inside the tank on January 23, 1976, for the first time in the world.

To this day Margelow is the identification figure of the Russian airborne troops. The Airborne Forces College in Ryazan is named after him.

Margelow was married and had five sons. He was buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.


Vasily Margelow was named Hero of the Soviet Union in 1944, was a four-time winner of the Order of Lenin (1944, 1953, 1968, 1978) and a State Prize (1975). In addition to numerous other domestic and foreign awards, he was awarded the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star of the USA (1945), and the Star of Friendship of Nations of the GDR (1978).


  • Alexander Margelow, Wassili Margelow: Desantnik No. 1: general armii Margelov. Moscow: Olma, 2003. ISBN 978-5-94849-087-8

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Commons : Wassili Margelow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files