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WeGebAU (QCG) ( abbreviation for We iterbildung Ge -skilled and b eschäftigter older A WORKERS in U ompany / Q ualifizierungs c PPORTUNITIES g Finances Act (January 1, 2019)) is a training initiative of the federal agency for work . Since 2006, the Employment Agency has been giving subsidies under the name WeGebAU to promote professional qualifications for low-skilled and older employees in companies .


The aim is to counteract the current looming need for skilled workers by promoting skills for employing employees. The employees should be given the opportunity to acquire partial qualifications or to catch up on missing professional qualifications without having to quit their work. In the long term, employees should be offered security, since unskilled or poorly qualified employees have a higher risk of being laid off if the economy deteriorates. In this way unemployment can be avoided. Should there be a layoff, qualified employees have a better chance of being placed. With WeGebAU, entrepreneurs can retain proven employees (for many years).

Eligible group of people

Eligible groups of people are:

  • Low-skilled employees in accordance with Section 81 (2) SGB ​​III who either do not have a professional qualification in accordance with the Vocational Training Act , have not successfully completed a degree or have been in unskilled work for at least four years that usually does not require vocational training. In addition to the costs of the measures, part of the wage costs for the employer can also be reimbursed (so-called wage subsidy according to Section 81 (5 ) SGB ​​III ).
  • Employees in accordance with Section 82 SGB ​​III who are at least 45 years old and who are employed in a company that employs fewer than 250 people in the entire company (so-called small and medium-sized enterprises - SMEs ). Part-time employees are taken into account proportionally to their hours worked. The qualifications you bring with you are irrelevant here. Only the cost of the measure can be granted here.
  • From April 1, 2012, qualified employees under the age of 45 can also be funded - but only if at least half of the course costs are covered by the employer and only if the further training measure begins before December 31, 2019 ( Section 131a SGB ​​III ).

Eligible qualifications

The Federal Employment Agency issues education vouchers with which employees can usually choose their new desired qualification from various offers. The qualifications must be certified according to the AZAV , formerly AZWV , and if possible lead to a recognized professional qualification. Certified partial degrees are also eligible.

Further information

  • The cost of the measure usually includes the course costs per se as well as, if applicable, travel costs for commuting, childcare costs and, under certain circumstances, costs for necessary external accommodation and additional meals.
  • Even newly hired employees who belong to the group of people eligible for funding are entitled to qualification according to WeGebAU - regardless of the probationary period.
  • During the qualification, there must be a continuous (possibly limited) employment relationship. Conditions, notice periods, etc. continue to apply. That means u. a. that employees and employers do not enter into any additional ties or obligations when using WeGebAU.
  • Double funding, for example a combination with an integration grant , is not possible.
  • Funding within the framework of WeGebAU is usually only possible if the employee can no longer reasonably be expected to receive initial vocational training and three years of work that is subject to compulsory insurance in Germany can be proven. Without this protective function, WeGebAU would presumably displace regular vocational training .
  • Legally prescribed further training (for example according to the Professional Driver Qualification Act (BKrFQG) ) are excluded from WeGebAU funding.
  • The amount of funding varies from region to region. In Saxony, at the time of April 2014, max. 31 euros to max. 340 euros per month paid, meals per day 18 euros up to max. 136 euros a month. There is unlimited reimbursement of travel costs for public transport. If you use a car, € 0.20 per kilometer up to a max. 136 euros a month paid.

See also