Wedge Tombs from Knocknagappul

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Schematic sketch of Wedge Tomb using Iceland as an example

The Wedge Tombs of Knocknagappul 1 and 2 are in the townland of Knocknagappul ( Irish Cnoc na gCapall , "hill of horses") near Cookstown in County Cork in Ireland . Wedge Tombs ( German  "Keilgräber" ), formerly also called "wedge-shaped gallery grave", are aisle-less, mostly undivided megalithic buildings from the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age .


The northwest-southeast oriented Wedge Tomb 1 is located on the southwest slope of a hill. The chamber is about 5.0 m long and 1.5 m wide at the front. It tapers to 0.5 m wide at the rear and is 0.6 m high at the entrance. Two flat capstones cover the chamber. A smaller one is on the front, which rests on top of the much larger rear one, which extends across the end of the chamber similar to the Wedge Tombs by Inchincurka and Keamcorravooly .

The neighboring Wedge Tomb 2 to the southwest collapsed. The outer wall is still clearly visible and some of the stones in the gallery stand upright, while the capstone lies flat in the chamber. It is about three feet long and one and a half meters wide, and there are traces of the cairn that covered the chamber.

Row of stones

Of the approximately 3.9 m long row of stones , only one of the three stones remains. The range lies north of the Wedge Tombs of Knocknagappul on the southeast slope of a high moorland. The standing stone is eight feet high, while the second fallen stone is broken. The third stone consists of three parts and was originally about 2.0 m long. The row was probably oriented northwest-southeast.

See also


  • Anthony Weir: Early Ireland: A Field Guide 1980

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