Wehrverband Reichsflagge

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The Wehrverband Reichsflagge or Bund Reichsflagge was a paramilitary association founded by Adolf Heiss in 1919 .


The focus of the association was initially in Nuremberg and the Franconian area. Adolf Heiss' friend Ernst Röhm , who took over the Munich branch in 1921, helped with the expansion to the south . In 1923 the Reichsflagge took part in the working group of the patriotic combat units founded by Röhm , to which the SA and the Bund Oberland also belonged. The military association, represented in Middle Franconia by Dr. Eugen Savaete had his own "Reichsflaggenkapelle Nürnberg" under the lieutenant a. D. Heyland, who also played at rallies in smaller Middle Franconian communities around 1924/25. When he took the Reichsflag out of this working group under pressure from his bourgeois supporters, the southern Bavarian local groups split off under the name Bund Reichskriegsflagge . Another spin-off is the Bund Altreichsflagge under Willy Liebel . In 1927 the association was incorporated into the Stahlhelm after a sharp decline in membership .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Mück: Nazi stronghold in Middle Franconia. The Volkish Awakening in Neustadt ad Aisch 1922–1933. Schmidt, Neustadt an der Aisch 2016 (= Streiflichter aus der Heimatgeschichte. Ed. By Geschichts- und Heimatverein Neustadt ad Aisch e.V., special volume 4), 3rd, extended edition ibid. 2016, ISBN 978-3-87707-990- 4 , pp. 61-64.