Weilburg Citizens Guard

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The Bürgergarde der Stadt Weilburg eV from 1813 is a traditional association in Weilburg an der Lahn in the Limburg-Weilburg district in Hesse .

The citizen guard emerged from the citizen sons corps , which was founded in 1788 on the occasion of the wedding of Friedrich-Wilhelm von Nassau-Weilburg to Luisa Isabella von Sayn-Hachenburg-Kirchberg. The citizens' sons corps was dissolved again in 1792, the flag withdrawn by the city court.

When Wilhelm von Nassau-Weilburg married Princess Charlotte Louise von Sachsen-Hildburghausen on June 24, 1813 , the Uniformed Citizen and Citizen Sons Corps was founded. The flag donated by Luisa Isabella in 1788 was adopted.

Today the Bürgergarde is the sponsor and organizer of the Weilburger Kirmes , the continuation of the church fair that has been celebrated since 1593 , and appears in uniform on representative occasions. Among other things, the citizen guard provides the honor guard in memory of the deceased members of the Nassau-Weilburg family in the princely crypt of the castle church , which is an extra-territorial area of ​​the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg .

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