World of honeycombs

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Die Welt der Waben , WdW for short, is a post game for computers and represents a game concept in which it is possible to help shape the events on the fantasy world Myra . This is done by describing the culture and submitting a move to the game master.

WdW takes on the ongoing real-time simulation of the entire Myra world . The time runs at the same pace as on earth , that is, a year here is a year there.

Instead of restricting itself to providing scenarios and rules for different, separately running sessions, WdW combines and organizes the individual storylines into a single one, so that the actions of the players have a direct influence on the events of Myra. Also cultural descriptions of technical or civilizational achievements or of religious idiosyncrasies should permanently enrich the overall picture of Myra - there are hardly any limits to the imagination and the possibilities. The rules of the game are also constantly being developed. There is no specific playing time or a fixed goal.

WdW does not focus on the example of an existing world, but on the design and development of it. Therefore, most of the tasks that adventurers have to cope with on Myra are not plucked out of thin air or "thought up", but rather result naturally from the underlying everyday conditions of this world.

The honeycomb world, which has been populated by enthusiastic Myrans since 1982, celebrated its 20th birthday in 2002. It is designed to evolve as long as there are people around to do it.