Work of the Holy Apostle Peter

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The Pontifical Mission Society of St. Peter the Apostle is an organizational institution of the Pontifical Mission Societies for the special purposes of the clergy . The administration is located in Rome .


In 1889, the oeuvre Pontificale de Saint Pierre Apôtre was founded in Caen ( France ) by Jeanne Bigard (1859–1934) and her mother Stephanie, supported by the Vicar Apostolic of Southern Japan , Jules-Alphonse Cousin.


  • Prayer and donations for the formation of the local clergy in the mission dioceses
  • Expansion of seminaries
  • Support for the training of candidates for the Vita Consecrata


The Apostle-Peter-Werk collects in Austria on January 6th, the feast of Epiphany - the feast of the apparition of the Lord - for priests from three continents.

Web links

Statute of the Pontifical Mission Societies, 2005 (PDF; 285 kB)


  1. ^ Storia (Italian), accessed December 5, 2018.
  2. LANGLOIS Claude (dossier par dirigé): Histoire et Missions Chrétiennes n-15: Thérèse de Lisieux et les missions. KARTHALA Editions, 2010, ISBN 978-2-811-13317-7 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).