Catalog raisonné by Édouard Manet

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The List of Édouard Manet list the work of French painter, draftsman and graphic artist Édouard Manet on. After his death in 1883 a number of catalog raisonnés were created by various authors, most of which are limited to sub-areas. Some of the authors devoted themselves exclusively to paintings and pastels, others specialized in printmaking. The various authors built on the previously published publications of other authors. Accordingly, the newer works supplement or update the previous editions - especially with information on the current owner and provenance. However, there are also contradicting statements. These relate in particular to information on the time of creation, in some cases also on picture titles and dimensions. A major difference between the individual editions is primarily in the write-ups or write-downs of works. In the scientific literature, reference is usually made to the most recently published catalog raisonnés, namely the catalog raisonné of Rouart / Wildenstein for paintings, pastels and drawings and the catalogs of Harris or Wilson for prints. Since these last catalog raisonnés all date from the 1970s, the information they contain does not necessarily reflect the current state of science.

The following catalogs of works have been published so far

  • Théodore Duret : Histoire d'Edouard Manet et de son oeuvre par Théodore Duret, avec un catalog des peintures et des pastels , Paris 1902, new edition 1906, 1919 with additions and 1926 (list of paintings and pastels)
  • Étienne Moreau-Nélaton : Manet graveur et lithographe , Paris 1906 (list of prints)
  • Étienne Moreau-Nélaton : Manet raconté par lui-même , 2 volumes, Paris 1926 (list of paintings and pastels)
  • Étienne Moreau-Nélaton : Catalog manuscrit Paris 1926 (list of letters)
  • Adolphe Tabarant : Manet: Histoire catalographique , Paris 1931 (list of paintings and pastels; digitized version )
  • Adolphe Tabarant : Manet et ses œuvres Paris 1947 (list of paintings and pastels)
  • Paul Jamot, Georges Wildenstein : Manet , 2 volumes, Paris 1932 (list of paintings and pastels)
  • Marcel Guérin: L'Œuvre gravé de Manet , Paris 1944 (list of prints)
  • Sandra Orienti: L'opera pittorica completa di Edouard Manet , Florence 1967 (list of paintings and pastels)
  • Alain de Leiris: The Drawing of Edouard Manet , Berkeley 1969 (list of drawings)
  • Jean C. Harris : Edouard Manet: Graphic Works, a Definitive Catalog Raisonné , New York 1970 (catalog of prints)
  • Jean Leymarie, Michel Melot: Les Gravures des impressionnistes: Manet, Pissarro, Renoir, Cézanne, Sisley , Paris 1971 (list of etchings, together with works by other artists)
  • Denis Rouart, Daniel Wildenstein : Edouard Manet, Catalog raisonné , 2 volumes, Lausanne 1975 (list of paintings, pastels and drawings)
  • Juliet Wilson : Edouard Manet: Das Grafische Werk: Masterpieces from the National Library and other collections , Ingelheim 1977 (directory of prints)
  • Juliet Wilson : Manet: Dessins, aquarelles, eaux-fortes, lithographies, correspondance , Paris 1978 (list of prints and selected drawings and watercolors)

The aforementioned works are mostly written in French, some in English. Only the list of prints by Juliet Wilson, Ingelheim 1977, was published in the original in German. The catalog raisonné of paintings and drawings by Sandra Orienti was first published in Italian in 1967 and was then published in English, French and various German versions.

Lists of works for Édouard Manet

Based on the aforementioned catalog raisonnés, the individual works of Manet can be found in the following lists:


  • Réunion des Musées Nationaux Paris and Metropolitan Museum of Art New York (ed.): Manet . Exhibition catalog, German edition: Frölich and Kaufmann, Berlin 1984, ISBN 3-88725-092-3 . (Detailed description of the catalog raisonné)