Werner Platzek

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Werner Platzek ( 1935 - October 12, 2005 ) was a German theater actor and director .


Platzek worked regularly at the Grenzlandtheater Aachen for around 25 years, both as an actor and as a director.

In addition to his work at the theater, he was also a professor of media education at various universities in Germany and abroad. a. as visiting professor in Cuba. He was also the coordinator for the "Sport and Culture" project between Cuba and the German Sports Association.

Above all, however, he was known for his concepts and directorial work for national and international major events with a sporting focus.

He designed and staged a. a. the opening and closing events at the German Gymnastics Festival in Hanover, gymnastics galas in the Frankfurt Festhalle and the opening and closing ceremony of the 1989 Universiade in Duisburg.

The artist, who lives in Bochum, died after a serious illness at the age of 70.


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