Vienna-Munich Gospel Fragments

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The 50 Vienna-Munich Gospels fragments are the remains of only as actual translation applicable Bible transfer of the 12th century . In contrast, there are interlinear versions or paraphrases like the Song of Songs paraphrase by Williram von Ebersberg or the St. Trudperter Song of Songs .

The fragments are dated to around 1200 . They come from the Alemannic-Bavarian language area and include fragments from all four Gospels . The addressees of the translated biblical texts were probably the conversations of a monastery, i.e. lay brothers or sisters who did not speak Latin .

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  • Dieter Kartschoke: History of German Literature in the Early Middle Ages, Bd. 1 (German; 4551). Dtv, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-423-04551-5 , pp. 257f.