Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA

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The Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA (case number 15-cv-0062-TSE) denotes a case against the National Security Agency , its subsidiary Central Security Service and other organizations launched in March 2015 by the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), Amnesty International , Human Rights Watch and others eavesdropping on Internet communication, in particular against the alleged monitoring of the upstream , i.e. editing and uploading, in the projects operated by the Wikimedia Foundation. The plaintiffs rely on information from Edward Snowden .

In the first instance, the court ruled in October 2015 that the lawsuit was not admissible because the plaintiff had not specifically proven the surveillance.

The trial was partially admitted in May 2017 , following plaintiffs' admitted second instance appeal in February 2016 by the United States Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia . The case was referred back to the federal district court. There, the classification of the data as a state secret was confirmed in August 2018, so that Wikimedia could not obtain any further information from the NSA despite a lawsuit.

As of January 2019: Wikimedia is still trying to obtain further information and data from the NSA by submitting applications.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wikimedia Foundation, et al. v. National Security Agency / Central Security Service, et al., US District Court - District of Maryland, Case No .: 15-cv-00662 (RDB) (March 10, 2015)
  3. How many NSAs does it take to anger Wikimedia? March 26, 2015, Retrieved January 5, 2019 (American English).
  4. David Kravets: Wikimedia wins small victory in challenge to NSA “Upstream” spying. Retrieved May 23, 2017, January 5, 2019 (American English).
  5. ^ Jonathon Penney: Chilling Effects: Online Surveillance and Wikipedia Use . In: Berkeley Technology Law Journal . tape 31 , no. 1 , June 1, 2016, ISSN  1086-3818 , p. 117 , doi : 10.15779 / Z38SS13 .
  6. Michael Schäfer: Wikimedia: Admission of lawsuits against NSA will be ruled out. Retrieved February 5, 2019 .
  7. Wikimedia v. NSA - Challenge to Upstream Surveillance Under the FISA Amendments Act. Retrieved February 5, 2019 .
  8. ^ Search ACLU. Retrieved February 5, 2019 .