Wilhelm Strunz

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Wilhelm Strunz (W. St.) was a toy company founded in Bavaria at the beginning of the 20th century and based in Nuremberg . The company was on stuffed animals and - dolls dedicated.


The company, which was founded in 1902, was sued in 1908 by Margarete Steiff for violating its property rights in the form of the riveted "button in the ear". Subsequently, Strunz agreed to attach his own brand button to the ear with just a wire clip in the future.

The trademark of Wilhelm Strunz showed a standing (teddy) bear under the inscription "SCHUTZ - MARKE" , with his paws to the left holding a sign with the initials W. St. on a rock . The term TRADE-MARK. Below is a reference to the export of Wilhelm Strunz's products to English-speaking countries.


  • Jean Bach: International Handbook of Doll Brands. A doll identification book , English original title: The main street dictionary of doll marks , translated by Wolfgang Hartmann, Munich: Laterna Magica, 1989, ISBN 3-87467-389-8 ; P. 128; contents

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Jean Bach: Internationales handbook of the doll brands. A doll identification book , English original title: The main street dictionary of doll marks , translated by Wolfgang Hartmann, Munich: Laterna Magica, 1989, ISBN 3-87467-389-8 ; P. 128