Wilhelm Wust

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Wilhelm Wust (* Frankfurt am Main ; † after 1888 in Paris?) Was a German portrait , genre and landscape painter , miniaturist and draftsman .


Little is known about the life and artistic training of the Frankfurt painter Wilhelm Wust.

Probably before 1867, Wust went to Paris for the first time . There he became a student in the studios of Léon Bonnat and Ernest Hébert . Between 1869 and 1888 he also took part in the Paris Salon with his own works. Around 1870 he then moved to Rouen , where he stayed until around 1876. Before 1875, Wust also took French citizenship. From 1876 to around 1888 he was resident again in Paris. There is evidence of studying at the Académie Julian around 1876/77 .

Works (selection)

  • Portrait de MW , whereabouts unknown (Salon 1869, No. 2433)
  • Portrait de Mme W ... , whereabouts unknown (Salon 1870, No. 2965)
  • Navy , whereabouts unknown (Salon 1875, No. Ref-252)
  • Plage , whereabouts unknown (ibid., No. 253)
  • Portrait de Mme WW , miniature, whereabouts unknown (Salon 1876, No. 3024)
  • Portrait de Mlle *** , miniature, whereabouts unknown (Salon 1877, No. 3546)
  • Coin d'atelier , whereabouts unknown (Salon 1881, No. 3547)
  • Portrait de Mlle Holmès , miniature, whereabouts unknown (Salon 1883, no.3258)
  • Portrait de Mlle A. Wust , miniature, whereabouts unknown (Salon 1888, No. 3699)


  • Gitta Ho: Wust, Wilhelm . In: Bénédicte Savoy, France Nerlich (ed.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital . Volume 2: 1844-1870 . Berlin / Boston 2015, ISBN 978-3-11-035006-7