Wilkinson divider

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Power divider built with striplines
Power splitter in coaxial technology

A Wilkinson divider is a component of high frequency technology and serves as a power divider . The circuit concept was published by Ernest J. Wilkinson in 1960 and has found wide use in radio systems because it has only low line losses.

Its function is essentially based on the λ / 4 line transformation , whereby the power from the first port (P1) is divided equally to the two other ports (P2 and P3). If reflections occur on one signal path, the other path remains unaffected. The gates P2 and P3 are thus decoupled from one another.

As a power combiner, it combines the signals at ports P2 and P3 and outputs them at port P1. For lossless combining, both the phase and the amplitude of the two signals must match. The push-pull component between the ports P2 and P3 is destroyed in the transverse resistance.

The scattering parameters for a symmetric Wilkinson divider:


  • Holger Heuermann: high frequency technology . Linear components of highly integrated high-frequency circuits, 1st edition. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2005, ISBN 978-3-528-03980-6 .
  • Otto Zinke , Heinrich Brunswig: Textbook of high frequency technology . High Frequency Filters - Lines - Antennas, 5th edition. Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 1965, ISBN 978-3-662-00813-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ EJ Wilkinson, "An N-way Hybrid Power Divider," IRE Trans. On Microwave Theory and Techniques , vol. 8, p. 116-118, Jan. 1960

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