Windsurfing maneuvers

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Power jibe
Front loop
Backside cutback

When windsurfing , various maneuvers are used to change the direction of travel. In the context of competitions such as the Windsurf World Cup in the disciplines of Freestyle and Wave, they also serve as a basis for evaluation. New maneuvers are constantly being developed in both disciplines.

Basic maneuvers

  • turn
  • Jibe
  • Power jibe
  • The heli-tack or helicopter turn initially works like a normal turn. The board is steered into the wind with the sail. If the board is exactly in the wind, however, you cannot go around the mast. Instead, let the board turn further and keep the mast away from your body so that the sail doesn't catch the wind from the wrong side. When the board has turned to the new "On the Wind" course, you move the sail quickly in the direction of the bow and let the sail turn over. You turn your body with it and try not to fall into the water.
  • With the push tack , the sail is brought into the leech-ahead position (shifting the sail prematurely) by a quick 180 ° turn of the upper body, with the surfer himself then standing leeward from the sail. Now the board with the sail is steered by the wind. Finally, the sail is turned over to the normal sailing position. The push tack from full glide is particularly spectacular. To avoid being blown off the board when shifting "prematurely", it is advisable to briefly drop out of the room sheet course. After shifting, the board, which is still gliding, is directed through the wind by foot control.

Maneuvers by discipline

Freestyle old school
Air Jibe (Volcan) Carving 360 Body drag Duck Jibe Nohanded 360 Willy Skipper
Freestyle New School
Spock (540, 720, 900, one handed) Clew First Spock Diabolo Grubby (diabolo) Lollipop Spin loop Culo
Eslider Puneta Gecko Flaka (No Hand, Diabolo) Shaka Ponch Kabikuchi
Toad Burner Shove it Gozzadda Kono Switch Kono Skopu
Bottom turn Cut back Front loop Backloop Pushloop
Clew first backloop Wave 360 Seadi Move (Pushloop into Forward) Air Chachoo Tweaked pushloop
Tailgrab backloop Tailgrab Pushloop Onefoot backloop Cheese roll Table top forward
Onehand Tabletop (Christ Air) Stalled Forward Crazy Pete Double loop

Web links

  • Complete directory of driving technique , description, photos, video tutorials,