Air jibe

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The Air Jibe (also Volcan ) is a maneuver in windsurfing . It is the basis for many other freestyle maneuvers. This is a jumped 180 ° turn.


The air jibe is initiated on a half wind course . With the trapeze unhooked and the sail tightly held , the jump is prepared. In the flight phase, the board is turned as far as possible by the wind with the back foot. What is important here is the neutral position of the body's center of gravity above the board and active head control (looking over the back shoulder). The sailing technique plays a significant role in the Air Jibe. Immediately after the jump the sail is lifted, i.e. H. grabbed the boom on the other side. To land this maneuver, you do not need to make a complete 180 ° turn in the air, but this is the optimal case. The body weight is inclined towards the bow and the mast foot is loaded, which causes a backward movement.

To continue sailing in the new direction, the sail is pulled tight again, the weight shifted towards the stern and windward and finally the foot position is changed.

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