Knowledge spectrum

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Knowledge spectrum
Knowledge spectrum
Knowledge spectrum
Game data
publishing company ASS Altenburg-Stralsund playing card factories
Publishing year 1984
Art Board game, knowledge game
Teammates 2 to 36
Age from 12 years

Knowledge spectrum is a family game that was published in 1984 by the ASS Altenburg-Stralsund playing card factories . It is a traditional knowledge game that is reminiscent of games like Trivial Pursuit . Numerous supplementary packages with additional and partly topic-related question packages were offered for the game.

Theme and equipment

The knowledge spectrum game is a classic knowledge board game. The aim of the game is accordingly to correctly answer as many questions as possible from different areas of knowledge and in this way to achieve the "Philosopher's Stone".

Game material

In addition to the game instructions, the basic game consists of

  • a rectangular game board
  • 6 stem stones
  • 36 rings in 6 colors
  • a cube
  • 1008 question and answer cards from 6 areas of knowledge:
    • General knowledge: pink
    • Geography: green
    • Story: blue
    • Art: purple
    • Science: yellow
    • Sport: red

Style of play

The game can be played both with individual players and with teams. At the beginning of the game, the players choose a game color and receive the corresponding game piece. These figures are placed in the middle of the game board on the world map there. Then the starting player is determined with the die, the turn order is clockwise.

The starting player chooses an area of ​​knowledge and thus one of the large round fields in the inner ring of the game board and places his pawn there. The player to the right of the starting player draws a corresponding question card and the player determines the question by rolling the dice. If he answers the question correctly, he receives the card and may roll the dice again to move his figure. He is also asked a question according to the color on the target field and is allowed to answer it. It's his turn until he can't answer a question. The golden fields are jokers on which the player can choose a field of knowledge. If he is on one of the large round squares, he gets a second chance if he gives a wrong answer and is allowed to roll again. If the die shows the same number as before or if the player cannot answer the second question either, he ends his turn and it is the next player's turn.

Game figure with all six rings on the golden joker field

As soon as a player has collected three question cards of one color, he may exchange them for a corresponding colored ring and place it on his figure. If a player has collected rings in all six colors, he must place his token on a joker field and answer a final question from a knowledge area chosen by his fellow players. If he does not succeed in this, he must leave the field in the next round and reach it again; If he answers the final question, he has won the game.

Extensions and new editions

For the original game of knowledge spectrum, three refill packages each with three additional question categories were published:

1. Refill package:

  • German history
  • to travel
  • The world of motorization

2. Refill package:

  • Olympia
  • teenager
  • Pop Rocky

3. Refill package:

  • Austria
  • fairy tale
  • The Bible

1985 with the knowledge spectrum II. a new version of the game has been released, which includes the categories German History, Travel, The World of Motorization, Olympia, Teenagers and Pop Rocky. At the same time, these categories appear in blue packaging as Knowledge Spectrum II . Two refill packs with three question categories each were published for both editions, which contained the six areas of knowledge from the original game.

In addition, there is a revised edition of the original game, in which the questions have been partially updated and improved, and a special edition for Austria, in which the sport category of the original game has been replaced by the Austria category.

In 1996 a new edition of the game knowledge spectrum appeared .

supporting documents

  1. a b c game instructions knowledge spectrum for download

Web links