Witte Boekje

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The Witte Boekje (Dutch for White Booklet ) is a Dutch, alternative, unofficial spelling booklet . Witte Boekje's alternative spelling is used by a number of Dutch media outlets.

The Witte Boekje used to be a popular name for the Spellingwijzer Onze Taal , an edition of the Genootschap Onze Taal . The first edition appeared in October 1998; the eleventh edition appeared in 2005. This edition was intended as a correction of the Groene Boekje (the official spelling of the Dutch Language Union) from 1995, which was known for its many negligence and incomplete rules. The Spellingwijzer largely followed the official rules of the Spellingbesluit from 1996, but also changed some of the rules slightly, which led to a fairly large number of differences between the two dictionaries. The White Booklet writes: "For those users who want or have to follow the official spelling of the Green Booklet, the deviations from the spelling of the Green Booklet are indicated by the abbreviation GB."

New edition 2006

With the new edition of August 16, 2006 a break arose. The Witte Boekje , now the correct title, now contained a new word list. This time it did not obey the official spelling of Groene Boekje because of new protests . This led to a free choice of the rule for the installation of the Fugen-n in composites and hundreds of other exceptions. Journalist Ludo Permentier of the Belgian daily De Standaard , co-author of the guide to Groene Boekje and board member of Genootschap Onze Taal , rated the quality of Witte Boekje as a "botch" because of its inconsistency. The Dutch newspaper Trouw, however, was enthusiastic about the new word list and the free rules.

Boycott official spelling

The new edition does not bear the official quality mark of the Dutch Language Union . The Witte Boekje is now the guide for a group of institutions that are boycotting the new 2005 spelling rules. The respective parties - de Volkskrant , Trouw , NRC Handelsblad , Elsevier , HP / De Tijd , De Groene Amsterdammer , Vrij Nederland , Planet Internet , Tekstnet and the NOS - declared in December 2005 that they would not change to the new spelling. They use the spelling of Witte Boekje .

Rejection of Witte Boekje

In Flanders and Suriname the Witte Boekje was rejected, the spelling of the Witte Boekje is criticized as deviant, with the argument that only the Dutch-speaking Union has the authority to determine the official spelling.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ NRC Handelsblad, front page August 15, 2006
  2. How did he quit het Witte Boekje? ( Memento of October 9, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Source: Onze Taal