Vladimir courses

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Vladimir Courses is the name given to the public joint lectures for students, which thanks to the efforts of leading women's rights activists, u. a. Nadeschda Wassiljewna Stasowa began in St. Petersburg from 1870, first in the rooms of the 5th grammar school and then in the university of the Vladimir district. A later prominent beneficiary of the Vladimir courses was Nadeschda Olimpijewna Siber-Schumova ( Russian: Надежда Олимпиевна Зибер-Шумова; also Nadine, Nadina, Natalja, N., Sieber, Siber, Ziber-Šumova), who first studied medicine in Bern became the first leading women in a laboratory.

Individual evidence

  1. Alexandra Gusewa: What was the first Russian university for women like? (PHOTOS). October 28, 2018, accessed on February 19, 2019 (German).