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Welfare (from Middle High German wolvarn: well-being ) is the endeavor to cover the basic needs of people and a certain standard of living , the planned care for needy or endangered people for the common good , the care for the health of others, their moral or economic well-being or their upbringing to become better people and the prevention or deterrence of moral, self-induced physical or material decline.

People who are dependent on outside help for their livelihood and who make use of it, “live from welfare” or colloquially “from support” (mostly unemployment benefit II , social benefit or social assistance ).


The promotion of public welfare is a non-profit purpose within the meaning of (German) tax law , see §§ 52 ff. Tax Code . Donations for this can be deducted from taxable income up to certain limits.

Charities in Germany

In Germany, welfare is regulated by free welfare associations . All social services and facilities are non-profit-making and shape the social sector in Germany. There are six large independent welfare organizations in Germany: the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO), the German Caritas Association , the German Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband , the German Red Cross (DRK) , Diakonie Deutschland and the Central Welfare Office for Jews in Germany . Furthermore, the first Islamic welfare association, An-Nusrat eV, was founded as part of the German Islam Conference to represent the Muslim community in the welfare landscape. The tasks, objectives and the current socio-political reform measures affect the structure of welfare in Germany and make it an extremely complex subject area. In the Federal Working Group of Free Welfare Care e. V. , the central associations of independent welfare work together. Its aim is to promote and develop social work in Germany through socio-political actions and community initiatives.

Welfare stamps

To support general welfare work , Deutsche Post has issued welfare (letter) stamps since 1949 . In addition to the pure postage amount, a "surcharge" is levied, which is passed on for charitable purposes. Nowadays, two different series of stamps of this type appear annually at Deutsche Post, the proceeds of which go to the general welfare associations (“For Welfare” and Christmas stamps). A total of nearly 4 billion brands have been sold since 1949.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Josef Schmid: charities | bpb. Retrieved March 11, 2020 .
  2. Own presentation: https://www.an-nusrat.de
  3. ^ DIK - German Islam Conference - DIK Conference "Professionalisation of Muslim Youth Organizations" - Results of the meeting of the DIK Steering Committee on November 10, 2015 in Berlin. Retrieved March 11, 2020 .
  4. ^ History. Retrieved on March 11, 2020 (German).