Wolbero (Abbot)

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Wolbero († 1167 ) was Abbot of St. Pantaleon in Cologne from 1147 until his death .

Wolbero is mainly known from a letter to Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis († 1151). From the letter it can be seen that both men must have met. This could have happened in 1148 at the Council of Reims . However, there is no further evidence for the corresponding assumption by Jean Mabillon (1739).

Wolbero wrote - after the dedication letter for the nuns of a monastery on an island in the Rhine - a commentary on the Song for edification . In 1630 the text was published in Cologne by the Benedictine monk Heinrich Gravius ​​under the title “Commentaria vetustissima et profundissima super Canticum Canticorum Salomonis quod hebraice dicitur Sirhasirim. In IV libros distributa: authore R. Ad. by D. Wolberone Abbate S. Pantaleonis intra Coloniam Ord. S. Benedicti. ”.


  • JA Fabricius: Bibliotheca latina mediae et infimae aetatis. Vol. VI. Hamburg 1746, p. 908.
  • Friedrich LauchertWolbero . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 43, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1898, p. 722.
  • Jean Mabillon : Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti, T. VI. Paris 1739, p. 450.
  • Cas. Oudin: Commentarius de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. T. II. Lipsiae 1722, p. 1423.

Individual evidence

  1. Ep. 110; Migne, patrol. lat. T. 186, p. 1401