Wolfgang Heyser

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Wolfgang Heyser (born November 23, 1942 in Danzig ) is a German biologist and professor.


Heyser studied zoology, botany and biochemistry at the Bonn University and wrote his dissertation on December 16, 1968. After a stay in the USA, he took over the unscheduled professorship of forest botany in Göttingen in 1978 . Wolfgang Heyser has been a professor in Bremen since 1979. From 1983 to 1985 he was Dean of the Department of Biology and Chemistry. He was Vice President for Research and Science Transfer from 1991 to 1995. Since 2000 the biologist has acted as spokesman for the university lecturers at the Center for Environmental Research and Environmental Technology (UFT).


He is head of the Applied Botany working group at the UFT of the University of Bremen in the Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies. His main research interests are the physiology of mycorrhiza , biological treatment of contaminated and degraded soils, on-line detection of microorganisms and plant filters.

Publications (selection)

  • Wolfgang Heyser: The phloem of Tradescantia albiflora. Dissertation. University of Bonn 1968, DNB 481509771 .
  • I. Dobner, JU Holthuis, J. Warrelmann, B. Mahro, W. Heyser: Development of a new high-performance plant soil filter for the treatment of contaminated rainwater. Part 2: Lysimeter Studies. In: KA-Korrespondenz waste water waste. Volume 11, 2008, pp. 1198-1206.
  • JU Holthuis, I. Dobner, W. Heyser, J. Warrelmann, B. Mahro: Development of a new high-performance plant soil filter for the treatment of contaminated rainwater. Part 1: Screening and selection of suitable filter substrates and plants. In: KA-Korrespondenz waste water waste. Volume 9, 2008, pp. 984-990.
  • W. Heyser: Investigations on the phloem load in the leaf. 1975, OCLC 46086119 .

Individual evidence

  1. http://idw-online.de/pages/de/news43855
  2. http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/ Pflanzenanatomie /