Wolfgang Preikschat

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Wolfgang Preikschat (* 1951 ) is a German media theorist . In 1987 Preikschat was one of the coordinators of the video department at documenta 8 . He worked with Wulf Herzogenrath , Vittorio Fagone, Bruce Ferguson, Kathy Huffmann, Keigo Yamamoto , Barbara London, Dorine Mignot, René Pulfer and Biljana Tomić.

Wolfgang Preikschat received his doctorate in 2000 from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . The dissertation is entitled "Objectless Aesthetics: Knowledge and Knowledge in the Light of the Electronic Display".


Individual evidence

  1. Iconoclasm, a cross-media program , accessed on September 12, 2015.
  2. documenta 8 catalog: Volume 1: Essays; Volume 2: Catalog page 312; Volume 3: artist book; Kassel 1987, ISBN 3-925272-13-5 .
  3. Goethe University Objectless Aesthetics: Knowledge and Knowledge in the Light of the Electronic Display , accessed on September 12, 2015.